Vyrob si nůž!

Je to dlouhá doba, co jsme si s Janou vyráběli prstýnky. Tentokrát jsme vymýšleli, co dát Kryštofovi k narozeninám a Jana našla kurz výroby nožů, navíc speciální pro táty se syny, takže dvě mouchy jednou ranou.

O Lipnici nad Sázavou jsem slyšel už před lety jako o úžasném místě, ale nikdy tam nebyl. To místo je opravdu magické, takže kromě skvěle připraveného kurzu, který jel jako po drátkách, potkání dalších zajímavých lidí, strávení víkendu se synem, vyrobení vlastního nože, jsem si užil ještě to fantastické místo na kraji zatopeného lomu, který byl boží nejenom ráno na probuzení, ale i večer po sauně.

Pohled na středisko

Vyrobit nůž zní jako věda, ale zvládli jsme to za méně než 24 hodin, do kterých se vešlo jídlo, spánek i výlet po okolí. A zvládli to všichni, včetně těch „malých“, cca desetiletých kluků, kteří se s tím rvali sami, bez výrazné pomoci dospělých. Jasně, čepele jsme měli hotové, šlo „jenom“ o to je zasadit do dřeva, které jsme si následně vytvarovali dle svých potřeb.

Začátek rašplování

Postup v kostce:

  • vezmi jednu čepel, vybírej pečlivě, každý materiál má jiné vlastnosti;
  • vyber si dřevo na rukojeť – každé vypadá jinak jako polotovar a jako finální opracovaný výrobek;
  • vyber si drobnosti na ozdobu;
  • navrtej díru do dřeva, naaranžuj ozdoby před záštitu, vlož čepel, zalej pryskyřicí, počkej až zatvrdne;
  • rašpluj, rašpluj, rašpluj, až má rukojeť tvar, se kterým jsi spokojen;
  • smirkuj, smirkuj, smirkuj, až to je celé krásně hladké. Pak smirkuj dál, jemněji a jemněji;
  • natři olejem a jdi dělat pouzdro.

Jo, pouzdra jsme si taky ušili. Kůži do tvaru vyřízli, slepili, díry na šití vyrazili, sešili, na tvar nožů roztáhli, navoskovali, výsledkem se navzájem chlubili.

Po prvním oleji

Skvělý víkend. Víkend, kdy jsem nic nemusel, vše bylo zorganizované, užívali jsme si se synem sebe, přírody kolem, fyzické práce a odjeli s něčím, co máme každý jiný a přitom je to společné. A abychom byli inkluzivní, tak tam byla i jedna dcera, mámy žádné, ale kdo říká, že by se to nesmělo?

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Dreamforce ’23 Summary User Group

Dreamforce, the event of the year, where not many people (from Czechia) will make it – perfect opportunity to get together, share knowledge we gained and use it as a great networking opportunity at the same time.

Standing room only at user group

Exactly that happened yesterday:

  • 6 great speakers sharing their experiences from Dreamforce;
  • 80+ registered people (plenty of them first timers, so we used the name tags this time and it was just great idea and Karina came with a great improvement for next event, that maybe people can share a bit about themselves in advance, so we can do shortlist of people we want to meet);
  • room for 40 people and due to my greatest management (obviously) we all fit there;
  • great refreshment provided by Ekat;
  • learnt something new and had a lot of great chats.

The presentations are shared on Google Drive and the following is super short summary:

  • Dreamforce was all about AI and everything will be Einstein 1 anything from now on;
  • Kris spoke about the huge size of the event, feelings from San Francisco, that you need to prepare in advance and really check the agenda;
  • Katka spoke about how to become speaker at DF, the summary, what are the different types of sessions, the outcome, the (time) investment, the benefits;
  • Alča spoke about customer experience, how to persuade your boss (and spilled the secret that myself having a 5 minutes call with the CFO will make the trick, but be prepared that it cannot be our first meeting and send me their contact details early enough :-)), why to get there, how useful the hands-on sessions are, how to survive (as an introvert) and introduced the JOMO keyword I didn’t hear before;
  • Jarda spoke about CZ market being 10 years behind US, that planning is a key, Dreamforce might be relevant employee benefit, plan time to move between locations, great idea to take customer along as they cannot escape you during the long flight and SF might give them some extra treatment plus a lot of inspiration, it is definitely marketing event, so expect a lot of visions and little tangible things;
  • Alena spoke about the non-profit and C-level person experience, how the high-level sessions gave her the confidence in the platform, how clicked together all those disconnected knowledge she had so far based on the limited resources they have as an NGO;
  • Petr jumped quickly through the fact that there are plenty of parties going on and followed-up with flow roadmap, which was probably the most valuable session at the whole Dreamforce (to me).

A lot of great chats on top of that and pub for those who stayed long enough. Next step? Christmas party (and all those other events shared in the intro presentation)!

Check out our Google Drive where all the presentations and pictures are.

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s Verčou o talent týmu

O Talent Týmu v Salesforce jsem slyšel poprvé tuším minulý rok, pár věcí si zjistil a měl pocit, že vím všechno. Po nástupu do Actum jsem zjistil pár dalších věcí a tahle půlhodinka s Verčou mi ukázala spoustu dalších věcí, které jsem pořád ještě nezjistil. A tak nějak si myslím, že je tam toho pořád ještě víc.


  • spolupracují s univerzitami, neziskovkami, organizacemi, které školí lidi;
  • píše success stories o lidech, kteří změnili kariéru;
  • studenti typicky neví o Salesforce, na univerzitách se vyplatí nechat si otevřít dveře od absolventů, mají připravené podklady, co se studentům dá říct (nemají připravený celý vzdělávací program, jsou to spíš jednotlivé přednášky, spíš o platformě/komunitě než o technologii);
  • Talent Alliance – program pro zaměstnavatele, který je schopen poskytnout kandidáty, pravidelné „spojovací“ akce;
  • Bring Women Back to Work (BWBW) – neziskovka založená Salesforce, která má roční vzdělávací program, pokrývá i soft skills, chce to naplánovat, hledání práce ale může probíhat už v průběhu;
  • vzdělávací partneři (Green Fox Academy, Czechitas) jsou primárně na technické znalosti, jsou placené, rychlejší;
  • hiring partneři mohou pomáhat se vzděláváním, ale oficiální spojka mezi nimi, vzdělávacími partnery a zájemci není;
  • na základě success stories vidí, že u lidí je nutná chuť se vzdělávat, networking je důležitý i proto jsou tady community groups;
  • v Německu mají víc partnerů, větší trh, lidé co se tam přestěhují pak často bojují s němčinou, bez ní se jim práce hledá těžko;
  • certifikace sama nepomůže, nemá se smysl za ní honit, ale znalosti, které díky ní člověk získá jsou důležité;
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Winter ’24 Release Notes summary

Salesforce Winter '24 logo

This time I’m ahead, the new release should hit our instances at the beginning of October. And I had some time to skip through the release notes during my flight from Dreamforce, so I might not paid the most attention as I found just 26 interesting points.

  • Lobby Management in Field Service, which looks like SFS will be possible to nicely use for the in-person visits as well as it allows the receptionist to reschedule, monitor waiting time and a few other things;
  • email with details of the service appointment including calendar invite (ICS file) – small victory, but I can atest that it makes a huge difference, if I can add the meeting directly to my caledar;
  • beta version of „what’s enabled in a permission set“ looks pretty sleak and I must say that Cheryl and her team does an amazing job here;
What's Enabled in a Permission Set
  • API names for objects and fields in permission set – no more guessing which object/field it is if you have multiple with the same label;
  • Mass Quick Action on Related Lists is GA, looks like I’ll be able to drop a few flows I had to use so far;
  • User mode database operation came last release if I’m not mistaken, now you can extend it with specific permission set. I still need to think about the usecase as it smells with security issue – user cannot do something, but would they have this amazing permission set that would be possible, so give it to them (virtually) and do it – can imagine that admins will be surprised how the user achieve it later on;
  • Mobile Work Briefing – GPT needed, but looks really handy;
Mobile Work Briefing
  • Grouping same site service appointment is a feature we had to develop a few years ago to our FSL SFS accelerator, glad to see it included by default;
  • Richly Formatted Service Documents (beta);
  • Customized Tab bar for SFS mobile app – historically it basically wasn’t customizable, now there is a big change;
  • Site check-in and check-out (pilot) based on GPS – again quite common requirement to be solved OOTB;
  • Interact with NFC Tags with SFS mobile app – so far we have bar code support only, now we will move to future;
  • I still remember my first(?) Dreamforce and session how they store data, how the record ID is structured and so on. Now they have so many servers that the server representation in the ID has been extended from 2 to 3 characters (internal change, no impact);
  • Contact Home – after Pipeline Inspector we are getting similar UI experience here, which should help us to take care about up-to-date contacts‘ data;
Contact Home
  • Quick Cadences and Email Productivity Features plus Call Scripts and Email Templates – another area I need to dig deeper now as it has been included for free in the Enterprise Edition. What has historically been High Velocity Sales and Inbox is now available – with limited features – directly in Sales Cloud. That can be really cool;
  • Manager Judgments in forecating – I probably need to catch up with someone, who really does forecasting. There is the forecast coming from the opportunities, on top of that sales people can update it and not relate to specific opportunity, Einstein will give its view and now manager can update it as well. Four different numbers and I’m curious how much different they will be;
  • Supported Number, Name, and Address Formats doesn’t say much as a new feature, but I hope that it will fill in the address field in the correct way (house number after the street name). Fingers crossed;
  • Work Space tabs – no clue, are they rolling out new UI?
Work Space tabs
  • activities captured by Einstein in standard reports looks pretty cool. They still aren’t stored in SF and will disappear, but at least you will be able to report on them;
  • Inbox Mobile, Social Accounts and Contacts are being retired;
  • Custom Error Messages in Record-Triggered Flows – so far the errors thrown by flow were pretty ugly, now we will be able to make them nice;
  • restrict user access to run flows will be enforced in Winter ’25 and if I read it correctly we would really need to specify, which flows can profile/permission set run, not give a general excuse we are able to do now;
  • Einstein Service Replies – the GPT is here, upgrade to Unlimited edition and use it! It looks super cool, I must say;
  • Share Incident Updates based on a product – previously it was possible to target only contact list or case related contacts, now we can do the segmentation based on product. Makes sense;
  • and the required sender name and email to keep getting Chatter post is actually super important!

What others found?

That’s all from me – tons of new things into Field Service, some great extra functionality for Sales Cloud, where I need to find usecase for them with my customers, big work on permission sets and something for flow. Well, could be better, but we cannot wish for more during the summer and preparation for Dreamforce.

What others found?

But don’t depend on others and do your own readings, because every instance is different!

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Salesforce Certified AI Associate

Dreamforce was AI focused this year, no surprise there is a certification on the topic as well. It is „associate“ certification, meaning cheaper, shorter and probably easier.

A whole trailmix is ready to prepare you, which will lead you through the difference between predictive AI (which has been here for a while) and generative AI (this year star), how to use it responsible and where is place for trust, what is the glossary. (not) surprisingly the majority of the questions are focused on ethical considerations, which says something about Salesforce approach.

While everyone wants to start using in immediately, there are things to consider. As Carl Brundage says

You might have data available but is it current, authoritative, and complete?

because personalization is fine, but if your data are not current then you might mess up a lot.

How are you getting ready for the whole AI thing? Do you have use cases you want to solve? Do you have the right data? Knowledge?

Certified AI Associate
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