Another user group meeting done, this time AutoRABIT hosted us and they were generous! Chlebicky, wine, beer, juices, sweets, plates full of food.
Two speakers, which has interesting history as originaly we promoted the meeting as everything about DevOps, because what else to expect from Andrew Davis, our first confirmed speaker. Just later we found out he will be speaking about shared responsibility to security.
What Alča found out about the topic she pushed back with – you know what, last time it was MuleSoft, it is probably getting to heavy for the regular user/admin, what about something easier, specifically about the presentation you had at PolishDreamin. She was right, so I became the second speakers.
Great attendance at the end we had exactly 60 registered people and around 40 of them made it to the event, improving our KPIs for attendence rate. People I never saw or saw a long time ago, was great to catch up even though I again didn’t have time to speak with all I wanted to. Never mind, next time.

My presentation went well, longer than anticipated, the feedback I got at the end was – actually it wasn’t about features you have in Salesforce and can use but rather why not to use them. Not the intended outcome, but they were right, I was sometimes probably too negative.
Andrew spoke about the security and how we have a feeling that Salesforce will handle it because it is SaaS, where the provider is responsible. But at the end Salesforce is rather PaaS, platform on which you can build things and you will find out that more responsibility is on your side. Combined with the career changes and how hairddresser can now be Salesforce consultant it makes everything even more tricky.

We spoke about Security Posture Management and plenty of modules related to security, which are available on Trailhead. Also about his new book about flow engineering, which does NOT stand for Salesforce flow.
All in all it was such a great evening and we definitely missed you. Check the presentations and a few photos and hope to see you next time – aiming with BBQ for mid June.
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