Validation flows for wins

The record-triggered flows with Custom Error element has been introduced a while back (Winter ’24 actually). I immediately saw their benefits but didn’t see many use-cases I would need them for. The first use-case, when it was tempting, was a requirement to allow progress of opportunity into next stage only when products are added. Great use-case, but there isRead More…

My Notes from CRMs Side to Side

At Actum we have Salesforce and Microsoft division, which gives us the unique benefit of being able to propose CRM solutions on both platform (actually we can do SAP as well). It also means that Salesforce isn’t really happy and I’m not sure about Microsoft. Anyway, the other day we have been preparing with KarelRead More…

Winter ’25 Release Notes

Magic happened over the weekend and most of my customers got a new version of their Salesforce. This time I was prepared as I read the release notes on my way to Dreamforce – what a great reading for long flight! What are the goodies I noticed? What others found interesting

Consultants & Developers = ❤️

I’ve been so proud on myself the other day when I created this complex flow. So disappointed when it crashed in production due to Apex CPU limits. Double proud when I redid it into a combination of flow and Apex. Let’s find out what and why, but before I’ll tell you my story watch this awesome presentation, which willRead More…

Se Zdeňkem Pejcelem

Zdeňka určitě znáš. Pokud ne, tak bys měla vědět, že pracoval v Salesforce, vybudoval nejrychleji rostoucího Salesforce partnera v Česku a prodal ho, odskočil si na Saharu, zkusil přechod Pyrenejí, koketuje s budhismem, skončil v blázinci, rozvedl se, koupil nové auto, má další plány a spousta dalšího, zdaleka ne v tom správném pořadí. Spoustu otázek jsme nepokryli a napadly mě až zpětně, spoustuRead More…