How to categorize records in Salesforce

Ok, categorize is probably not the best word, but what else is it? Almost every client wants me to separate/categorize/tag their records, especially accounts and contacts, based on their type (at least).

  • companies: partner, supplier, potential client, existing client, churned client;
  • non-profits: donor, volunteer, patient, major donor.

And the question is always – how to do it? There are plenty of ways and each has something on its own and I’m always hesitant to say which one is the best. So let’s cover them all.

Record types to your rescue

I start with this one as I want to get it out of the table as soon as possible, as it isn’t the right approach to me. Samantha already wrote a great blog post why it is a wrong idea.

Why not to use them:

  • not possible to have record in multiple of them and you can bet, there will be a lot of records who are donor & volunteer & patient or partner & client and so on;
  • the inline view editing sudently become a pain.

(Multi) picklist field

This one is pretty easy to achieve, even though there are people who really hate multi picklist fields. Admin will control the values people can use (which might be taken as positive and negative thing as well) and potentially you can add an automation, which will be setting the statuses automatically.

Sometimes I have customer who wants to have it in multiple levels – for volunteers they want to track what they are able to do – writing, photography, video, … and that’s not possible with multi picklist fields as a controlling field.

It is easy to report on specific category, but you cannot create one report showing you counts of all categories.


Similar to previous, instead of one picklist field you create a checkbox for every value.

Obviously it works only when there is just a few of them, unless you want to have your page layout full of checkboxes. They are easier for the automation to set/reset them and when reporting you can easily get sums for each category.

Still needs to be set by admin, who controls the values.


They have been missing in Lightning for a long time, but just last year (I believe) finally became useful again.

Topic in Salesforce

You enable them for object, add a component on Lighting Page (see on the picture on the right) and good to go. Start typing in and it will whisper you all the relevant topics, users can add a new one and when you click on specific topic you will see all the records with the same topic across all objects plus you are able to add a description of the tag.

You can also use them when filtering records in reports or list views.

Two main downsides to me:

  • you cannot control adding new topics (so users easily add a topic with typo);
  • you cannot see all the topics and select from them, meaning you might forgot some crucial one or just invent a new one with slightly different name.


As Topics weren’t really useful in Lightning for a long time, I falled back to campaigns a lot of times (when we needed the categorization for contacts).

They are so flexible, you can put them in hierarchy, you can see them on the record, users can create a new one and you can still check which are in the system.

Downside might be that they are showing next to other campaigns in the related list, but with proper naming or utilizing the new Dynamic Related Lists it is easy to separate them into multiple related lists as well.

Do you need any of those?

Actually I should start with this question.

I understand that it is great to see immediately who the account/contact is, what are their status/relation to our company/organization.

At the same time I really hate when non-profit organization tell me „when a new transaction arrive we need to mark the contact as donor“, because then donor who will be anyone who donated even a long time ago. And that is not what you should want to achieve, your communication should be really (laser) focused on relevant people and sending the same emails to someone who donated a long time ago and had no interested in your organization anymore is not the best idea.

So when I’m creating automation I usually propose to reset the flags as well after some time and when doing segmentation for campaign don’t build them on these „helping“ flags but go with more relevant data such as opportunities.

And skipping automation all together and hope that people will set them manually – not really, it might work for values which cannot really be taken from anything else (such as „volunteer“) but if people feel it should be derived from something they won’t be setting them up anyway.

So which one?

I don’t have the answer, each approach has its benefit and downside and it all depends on your specific usecase.

What do you use and how it works? Will you share with me?

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Fundlift – fantastické příběhy neúspěchů

Fundlift, server pro P2P investování, jsem objevil asi na jeho samotném začátku. P2P půjčky pro mě nebylo nic nového, tohle se mi líbilo ve spojení s firmami, větička „mít možnost podílet se na úspěchu“ zněla krásně.

Léta to krásně fungovalo, nové projekty přicházely, rozvoj platformy a sekundární trh tedy pořád nikde, ale to nevadí. Výnosy v rozumné výši, občas nějaký benefit.

Pak přišel covid. Respektive na něj to všichni svedli a my, jako investoři, jsme si uvědomili, že ten server je dost možná jedna velká seznamka pro lidi, kteří se neznají, ale brzy se budou muset spojit, aby měli šanci něčeho dosáhnout. A od té doby jenom sledujeme, která z našich investic se má brzy splatit a sázíme, zda přijdou peníze nebo pozvánka do fóra na Discordu, kde si můžeme tak nějak hromadně postesknout a případně se začít sami organizovat k akci.

Překvapivě první příspěvek jsem napsal skoro přesně před třemi lety a od té doby se žádná z kauz nikam nepohnula, jenom jich přibylo.

  • Regal Burger – tím to tehdy tuším začalo. Covid a restaurační byznys spolu nešel dohromady (chápu), nicméně tady jsme došli k tomu, že ani Fundlift nesplnil svoje kontrolní povinnosti a uvolnil peníze dříve než měl. A od té doby tak pomalu tlačíme do insolvenčního správce, který sice Bardíkovi už stihl zamítnout některé jeho pohledávky, ale tím to tak skončilo. Když Pale Fire Capital zainvestoval, tak slibovali úhradu dluhů jinak z toho sejde, ale nakonec nic;
  • Innovia alias Flexisander, skvělé brusné nástroje. Upsali se dokonce dřív, takže měli zaplatit dřív, ale než stihli poslat peníze tak do firmy vstoupil velký investor (sídlící na stejné adresa jako majitel) a to byl signál ke konverzi dluhu do podílů. Co na tom, že už to mělo být zaplacené, to byl detail. Horší je, že od té doby se nic neděje, protože do s.r.o. se jim to zapsat nepovedlo, tak musí konvertovat na akciovku a na to asi není čas.
  • Nafigate – těm se to taky nějak nepovedlo, ale prý bude reorganizace, na přípravu plánu soud poskytl čas do 14. 8. 2023, tak jsem zvědav na novinky;
  • B&Bartoni – už měli splatit a místo toho „sorry, nemáme peníze, ale daří se nám dobře, takže vám zaplatíme o půl roku později a úroky z prodlení navrhujeme nížší, než stanoví zákon“. A pak taky „ať vás ani nenapadne nás poslat do insolvence, tím bychom přišli o dotace a celé byste to pohřbili“. A tak o pár týdnů později prý došlo k násilnému převzetí jinou společností a od té doby klid po pěšině. Vlastně ještě jedna věc – osobní ručení, které překvapivě vypršelo ještě předtím, než měli zaplatit poslední splátku, ale to se tak holt stane, když připravujete papíry pro retail;
  • SimpleHardware – tu pohádku se vstupem investora, což je ten důvod pro konverzi do podílů, jsme už slyšeli u Innovie. Tady prý je problém zapsat 300 společníků pomocí toho skvělého formuláře od našeho státu, ale prý to vymyslí. Tak vymýšlí už přes půl roku. Ale odchod Sigfoxu se jich prý nijak netýká, věci se prodávají, tak jenom předpokládám, že nakonec budeme zapsaní do té firmy ve které nebudou příjmy, ale jenom náklady;
  • Gukon – ti se pro změnu rozhodli společnost zlikvidovat, když se to nepovedlo tak vstoupit do insolvence, ale nezaplatili úhradu nákladů a od té doby to nikam nejde. Aktuálně se čeká, až se soudce začne věnovat žalobě na udělení platebního rozkazu. Skvělé je, že ve stejných prostorách, se stejnými auty, ve stejném oboru a se stejnými vlastníky není podniká jiná firma, ale to je jenom shoda náhod. Jo a osobní ručení za dluh shodou náhodou vypršelo také ještě předtím, než měli zaplatit finální splátku, štěstí, že nezaplatili už ty předchozí.
  • Incomaker – konverze do podílu ve firmě a od té doby ticho po pěšině, asi bych se měl jako společník víc zajímat. Další úkol 🙁
  • SizeID – konverze do podílu ve firmě, uvidíme zda to nějak vyberou a k něčemu to bude;
  • Artstaq – ti to se slávou zabalili, prodej umění se nějak nechytil.

Když vidím ten dlouhý seznam projektů na Fundliftu a slyším informace o dalších investorů na Discordu, tak jsem vlastně rád, že jsem se nezapojil do více z nich. Statistika úspěšného splacení by mě zajímala, protože v mém případě je nadpoloviční většina těch neúspěšných. Když si k tomu člověk přičte, že Fundlift za nic nemůže, protože je to jenom zprostředkovatel, že od předchozího článku komunikuje ještě méně a místo aktivní práce s dlužníky spíš čeká, jestli peníze pošlou nebo se dřív ozvou investoři, kdy tedy ty peníze dorazí. Dlužníci podle všeho hrají na fakt, že 200+ lidí se nikdy nedá dohromady, aby jim něco hrozilo a postupovali efektivně, takže ve finále je to fakt taková skvělá a drahá seznamka 🙁

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Salesforce v Česku – o konzultantech

Oživení! Na podcast nebyl moc čas a ani myšlenky, ale prázdniny to snad znovu nastartovaly a jsem zpět. Na rozjezd jsem si pozval Martina VágneraTadeáše Brzáka, abychom popovídali o konzultantech. Takové volné pokračování mého povídání s adminy a CTA uchazeči, další role snad pokryji také.

Je to ta role, kde se nebudeš nikdy nudit, protože tě čeká spousta aktivit v průběhu dne, tvojí kariéry, chceš to skutečně dělat, protože je to super!


  • admin – už je to přežitek, musí mít přesah do konzultanství, protože se baví s byznysem. Jinak by jenom tupě klikal, jakmile tam dává kousek sebe tak je to konzultant. Jakmile začne klikat flow tak už je to vlastně napůl programátor. Takže možná admin je jenom úplně na začátku;
  • konzultant projekt vede, úkoluje vývojáře, spolupracuje s analytikem a architektem, nastavuje věci co může, měl by rozumět byznysu zákazníka, nemusí umět programovat, ale měl by umět přečíst kód;
  • byznys konzultant má přesah do byznysu a je schopen zákazníkovi poradit i s byznysem, drží kontinuitu, je v projektu od začátku do konce;
  • byznys analytik poslouchá potřeby, rozplétá je následně vlastně reprezentuje zákazníka a má odpovědi na všechny otázky konzultantů a architektů;
  • architekt ví víc o integracích, o řízení zákazníka, lépe navrhuje věci;
  • orientace na konkrétní industry je důležitá, zákazníci očekávají zkušenosti z jiných projektů, ale současně jsou důležité přesahy do dalších odvětví, aby přinášel neotřelé myšlenky;
  • jak se stát konzultantem? Naučit se něco o Salesforce, pak si zkusit analytika, nachytřit se a posunout se do konzultanta. Možná ale může začít v QA nebo přijít jako konzultant z jiné technologie, ideální cesta neexistuje, každý je jiný;
  • praxe je důležitá, ošidit moc nejde byť zdroje existují;
  • jak vypadá den konzultanta? Komunikuješ, komunikuješ, komunikuješ. Ale taky nastavuješ, buduješ vztahy, řešíš bugy a vždycky se najde něco co tě naštve;
  • musíte si vymezit svůj prostor, aby vás to nesemlelo, né vše co je naléhavé je opravdu důležité.
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Week full of events

What a week behind me. Four events across five days which I was somehow involved in organizing. I had a feeling that it will be easy peasy as everything has been prepared in advance, but the whole week I had a feeling of missing something and the stress in the background made it really exhausting experience. But definitely worth it.

This will a long post, but the TLDR is that I survived, I enjoyed every single one of them even though I had no clue what to expect from most of them.

Johann’s & Nina’s You, the Architect!

TLDR: wow

I’ve met Johann at the beginning of my preparation for the CTA board. That guy is highly organized and very detailed oriented, which was very clear the whole time of this event. Fantastic presentation in terms of content, design and delivery. How Nina read the room and whenever we got out of focus kicked us out to get some fresh air at the beautiful garden on Impact Hub K10, no matter we had just extra 10 minutes planned for that part.

What it takes to be an architect

While it was busy the whole day we still had a time to connect with others and have a chat, as most of the attendees were people being of aiming to be architects we had a lot to share. Including the opening line from Johann – I’m an architect and I’m confused.

Architect Dreamin

TLDR: second edition (or was Paris just soft launch?) of event dedicated to architects, which has completely different structure to other events

While the previous event was logistically pretty easy here I had to orchestrate a few more parties. Saying that we started the first day in lovely nearby cafe, where we recorded some to-be funny video and had a great chat to get to know each other. Another unstructured time followed with people enjoying the beauty of nearby park and organizers putting the finishing touches to the agenda and venue.

Slow start at Flat cafe

Day and half full of „workshops“ on various topics, where people had to be active to get any result out of it. Also CTA preparation workshop with Seb, where I would say the crucial outcome to attendees was the level of detail they need to pay attention to not just when they want to pass the board but in real life as well.

Katka and Angela facilitating the workshop

Great presentations from the sponsors included, Elements.Cloud presenting their new AI features (and the platform itself was hugely promoted by Maria, their happy user), CapStorm introducing us to their solution allowing for having data outside Salesforce (if I got the main benefit right) and Adaptus presenting not just their antivirus solution (important at minimum for all companies running Experience Cloud) but also their work with bringing up the security framework for Salesforce (which looks really promising).

Most surprising part to me was the graphic artist who went from room to room, listened and draw pictures of what was going on as a summary of the day.

We finished the first day with a dinner on a boat cruising the Prague, the second day we went for the opposite and enjoyed dinner and view from the Zizkov tower.

Catching the subset from the Zizkov tower

We didn’t have as any attendees from the CZ/SK market as some expected, but the feedback was pretty consistent in why. The price itself, while high, wasn’t the challenge, the unclarity in what to expect and why my boss should send me was the main challenge. Hopefully next year people will understand the importance more and – while Kevin doesn’t want that – the number of attendees will grow.

Photos by Katka.


TLDR: 500 attendees at one place learning new things while networking and getting to know each other better

I would say this event was the main driver for all the other events which took place at Prague this week. The event grow from 250 people in 2019 to roughly 500 people this year, with roughly 50:50 between CZ/SK attendees and the rest of the world, which is pretty amazing achievement.

Packed room for the welcome words

There were so many people this year, that we didn’t fit into the space we had allocated for badges and swag, it (again) surprised how huge the space is at KCP and where I planned two booths for sponsors extra one might fit. We had coffee and tea stand again and a lot of questions before the event whether tea will be available again. We oversold as we really want to give a chance to everyone, not sure the same will be true next year.

Time for relax

The rooms were packed, something we aimed for and super glad it happened, at least a bit of the Dreamforce experience. The Zoom room for the lunch was super awesome with plenty of space for people and just wonderful view at Prague. We also had a plenty of bean bags for some rest and they were heavily used.

Packed room for Mark's session

Demojam, plushies, non Salesforce related closing keynote, which made you think how AI is different to people (not much actually), drinks after the event and a pub visit for those still with energy left.

Demojam winners at work

What a great day, where I didn’t have time to see a single session (I saw one last year if I remember correctly), where we didn’t (and most attendees as well) post anything on social networks during the day but the posts which were coming after the event were super long and super positive, that’s the fuel for us.

Great food

Photos and presentations will be shared on the web.

Wine tour

TLDR: CzechDreamin doesn’t end on Friday evening, you should plan with us for the weekend as well

As is our tradition, there is always some bonus activity after the event. Historically it has been Prague tour, last year we also went for a trip to Pilsen, this year we step up the game and organized a night at Moravia, tasting some wines.

Lednice chateau

Originally I was scared by the three hours trip to get there, but people fully used the time to have a chat and get to know each other better. Quick lunch and short walk to the Lednice chateau, where I’ve probably never been to and which is super beautiful. Short trip to watch out tower where we got our first wines of the day, quick relax at hotel and cellar was ours for the night including the music, which started some dancing as well.

Music was included

A lot of talks again during the night, breakfast in the morning and another 3 hours back to Prague, where people just didn’t want to go home but they continued to another location and most of them directly to the airport after that.


Anytime people asked how much time I spend with putting the event together I say not that much. And this year, especially as the small hicups were quickly solved, I realized how important it is to work with professionals, who made the life so easy for me and at the same time allow me to look great.

Thank you:

  • Flat cafe
  • Impact Hub Prague K10 – great coworking space with awesome garden;
  • AV Media
  • CEELI Institute – the villa is just awesome;
  • Prague Catering
  • Zelená Zahrada
  • Jam & Co – where Asia meets Europe;
  • Prague Congress Centre
  • Zátiší Group
  • The Miners – I didn’t notice big queues this year, great job;
  • Meetea – people told me during the day „I tasted all the teas and they are all great“ and I replied with „actually they change them during the day so I don’t believe you had them all„;
  • Kolkovna – we brought 50 % more people than expected (thank you Bryan), but they managed;
  • Aurora – wine cellar which handled our changing requirements without any problems;
  • Student Agency – comfortable bus for our Moravian trip
  • SmileBox – somehow photos are part of any SF related event and we just follow;
  • Kytky od potoka – make the place nicer was our main goal this year, at the same time we didn’t want to spend money on booth made just for the day. Flowers were our way and hopefuly they made someone happy in the evening;
  • Lukáš Hrdlička – for the first time this year we provided presentation couch to selected speakers;
  • Evka NeumanPavel Humpolec – thank you for great photos.

That’s it

That was quite long, but this is the end for the time being. We plan to be back with CzechDreamin next year, we plan to extend our audience a bit with the single admins from small customers without partners, who might get the most from the event. And we are definitely looking for help from anyone who can somehow help, marketing isn’t the topic we are strong in.

See you next year? Or sooner elsewhere? London’s Calling is sold out, but YeurDreamin still have some tickets left.

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Platform Developer II

This certification hasn’t been on my radar at all, as I’m not a developer, and this one is supposed to be the hardest one.

Two years ago Johann told me that he isn’t developer as well, but this one is doable. Ok, challenge accepted, after the CTA.

I did know that it is theoretical part and practical via superbadge, but I somehow didn’t properly check which superbadge. At the end I decided to do it quickly before they will upgrade it to LWC superbadge as I don’t really want to learn another thing. How surprised I’ve been that the superbadge is „only“ about VisualForce and APEX.

For the theoretical preparation I used the Focus on Force test, which I feel is even harder than the exam itself. It is (and the exam as well) surprisingly wide – going from VisualForce over Aura to LWC, obviously APEX is behind everything.

I learnt a few new things along the way, which is always the purpose why I do it. This time I remember the Continuation, which I haven’t been aware before at all, and that cacheable=true methods cannot be combined with DML operations. Besides that no really surprising things, which was surprising on its own.

The superbadge was kind of boring at the end – you know, writing all those tests and parts of the, pretty basic, code, not much challenge. The need to rewrite one of the classes into Queueable was the highlight.

Now I can claim to be PD2 certified as well and already checking which certification should be the next one.

PD2 certified
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