Summary of CzechDreamin 2024

It happened a month ago and I finally found time to go through all those great presentations to learn what I missed during the day. What a long list of learnings. It could be at least two days with longer sessions  I love the business topics this year, it was not all 100% IT related, I would keep this initiativeRead More…

PolishDreamin – I won an award!

The community conferences poping-up around the world, PolishDreamin in Wroclav and Wir Sind Ohana in Berlin are one of them in Europe. I had the privilige to present at the former one and already looking forward to attend the later one. Poland, country which is right next to Czechia and where I basically haven’t been yet. Yes,Read More…

I enjoyed FTD ’23

Almost surprising to say, but FrenchTouchDreamin was probably the first conference/event this year, which I really „just“ enjoyed. CzechDreamin was obviously full of work (including all the event before), London’s Calling and YeurDreamin was still somehow hectic, Dreamforce wasn’t quieter and while I prepared my presentation for FTD just the day before (ups, probably shouldn’t admin that publicly)Read More…

Certification Days & Data Cloud Certified

Miracle happened. Actually miracles. What we worked on for a few months, finally has been realized and success. With Fabio and Orla we agreed to organize Salesforce Certification Days at the Actum office. We would provide space and refreshment, they will provide free certification vouchers as they want to help partners to get more certified. AllRead More…