Certification Days & Data Cloud Certified

Miracle happened. Actually miracles. What we worked on for a few months, finally has been realized and success. With Fabio and Orla we agreed to organize Salesforce Certification Days at the Actum office. We would provide space and refreshment, they will provide free certification vouchers as they want to help partners to get more certified. AllRead More…

Salesforce v Česku s Merkle

Merkle – pokud jste o nich nikdy neslyšeli, tak se vůbec nedivím, ale jinak je určitě znáte pod jménem Isobar nebo blue-infinity. S Danem a Martinem jsme pokryli nejenom firmu a zákazníky ale i jejich přechod od zákazníka k dodavateli a jaký to byl (a pořád je) kalup, probrali jsme i konferenci Future Summit, kterou organizovali v dubnu a na přetřes přišel i CzechDreamin. Zápisky z povídání: mateřskáRead More…

Marketing Cloud Rocks

Mass marketing is for marketing dinosaurs. Digital marketing is old-school. We have already stepped out of these types of marketing. We live in the era of emerging Intelligent Marketing, which is totally transforming the customer experience. Marketing department is no more a team of people who just plan campaigns to spam people. Marketing experts are workingRead More…