Salesforce Data Cloud Architect’s Handbook, Eliot Harper

Salesforce Data Cloud Architect's Handbook cover

Data Cloud is here and it looks like it won’t go away. But how can we, as an architects, embed it into our solutions? Why and for what purposes?

One way how to find out is Trailhead and potentially the Data Cloud certification, which will give you one side of the view, the ultimate Salesforce view of all data in one system, duplicates which will be unified, search in unstructured data and plenty of other possibilities we weren’t used to.

Over time, Data Cloud is set to become a foundational layer that will facilitat the storage, processing, and activation of data across many organizational functions, including CRM, marketing, web, commerce, loyalty, and analytics.

Eliot’s book is the other view, I would say more cautious, and we will need to find where the future really is.


Obviously one important part of ROI calculation and making decision how to use the system is the pricing, which for long time was very unclear. Not sure it is much better now, when the calculator, not run by Salesforce, has been introduced. The Trailhead module might help you as well, but the calculator is probably easier to run (thank you Isaas Shaffer for providing it to the community).

Hard to understand all the possibilities without further studies, but let’s pretend that I’m medium (in my view) sized customer, with 1M records to start with and small part of them will change on daily basis triggering the unification and insights calculation again. I won’t go with all those extra features such as streaming data, which will be more costly, or the unstructured data processing, maybe next step.

Still my calculation is 160 000 credits first year and roughly 50 000 the following years. Combined with the prices I see in my org (1000€ per months per 100 000 credits) it is pretty expensive fun and I bought just the minimum I can. Actually the free Data Cloud comes with 250 000 credits so I’m probably fine and should not worry.

With these prices in mind I would follow Eliot’s recommendation to limit number of data I want to push into Data Cloud and push only data which makes sense for the current business needs. I understand that Agentforce might be clever enough and make something great from all the data I might have in the organization, but right now I would limit to business to specify their actually needs and push only relevant data. And it isn’t just about related data to customers, but also about excluding of inactive customers. Why to unify/harmonize them if they don’t do business with you anymore?

Also segmentation is – according to Eliot – usually the largest area of credit consumption, hence the segments should be designed with a goal to minimize the amount of rows processed. (I didn’t find these credits in the calculator)

Other notes from the book

I did know that the Data Cloud is build on top of AWS, but seeing the list of technologies at one place is incredible – Amazon S3, Parquet files, Elastic Kubernetes Service, Sync, Cloudwatch, AWS Identity Access Management, AWS Auto Scaling, ElastiCache, Simple Queue Service, Elastic MapReduce, Spark, DynamoDB, Relational Database Service.

Think about batch versus real-time data processing, especially if your data are rather changed on daily basis. Also if you have ETL in your landscape, you might want to use that system to tranform your data rather than leaving it to Data Cloud and related credit consumption – I mean transform 100 000 rows uses just 40 credits so who care, but maybe …

Things to keep in mind – categories cannot be change and are inherited from the first DLO mapped to DMO, you need to select immutable data field for the Engagement category otherwise you risk duplicated data, person accounts cannot be used in identity resolution as they contain a mixture of account and contact fields (what??!!), the original intent of „party“ was to provide grouping of individuals (e.g. household, organizational division) but right now it refers either to individual or account. You can trigger segment refresh via flow, this way they can refresh only when really needed and not in regular cycle.


Timing of the Data Cloud project is crucial and before you will do a few of them you have no clue how to estimate it. Again, according to Eliot, the discovery, planning and design architecture phase typically amoount to 70 % of the whole implementation. Which shows how easy it is to do the „real“ implementation and how important part in the project the experienced solution architect plays.

The simple rule when approaching discovery for a Data Cloud implementation is to start with the end in mind. Begin by understanding the business challenges and use cases.

CDP or not CDP?

Data Cloud arrived after Genii, which arrived after CDP so you might want to say that Data Cloud is kind of CDP, maybe on steroids, which Salesforce doesn’t really like as it is much more. Like what? Eliot’s take is that traditional CDP are specifically used for marketing use while Data Cloud allows you to create segments according to business needs such as:

  • sales team to pre-qualify leads based on their engagement behavior;
  • service teams to prioritize cases based on customer profiles;
  • analysts to group individuals based on demographics, psychographic, behavioral and geographis data;
  • IT teas to understand use across devices;
  • finance team to analyze economic values of specific customer groups;
  • etc.

Looks to me almost like an analytical tool.

Consent model

I’m gilty – it has been introduced in 2018 and extended later on and I never really paid attention to those extra objects as I always felt that while the structure is powerful my customers don’t have such extended needs. And Data Cloud build on this structure to fully support the needs. Actually did you know there are 23 objects and relevant DMOs for it? There are actually 140 DMOs (and counting) in total in the comprehensive model of Data Cloud aka Customer 360 Data Model.

A well architected solution takes time and comes at a cost, but if you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture.

That was the final sentence of this great, roughly 140 pages long, book full of information and things for thought. And I would say if you think about implementing Data Cloud you should definitely add it to your library.

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Salesforce v Česku s T1A

T1A logo

Společnost T1A jsem poprvé zaregistroval až když tam nastoupil Denis Tomíšek a vůbec mi nebylo jasné, proč šel zrovna tam. A tak jsem si do podcastu pozval Kirilla Dreljuše, který tam pracuje jako CRM Delivery Lead a strávili jsme spolu příjemnou hodinku, ve které mi pověděl o téhle firmě, která má filozofii amerického startupu hodně věcí, o jejich 4 hlavních pilířích, kterými jsou Data Engineering, CRM, Marketing a Process Intelligence.


  • do Agentforce investovali spoustu časů, není to jenom chatbot na steroidech;
  • jak se liší implementace v CEE, západní Evropě, na blízkém východě a v Americe;
  • jak moc jsou firmy na blízkém východě připraveny investovat do budoucnosti, myslet ve velkém a zkoušet nové věci, jak tam funguje byznys, proč tam mít kancelář je povinností a jak docílit 66 % conversion rate;
  • Financial Cloud ze začátku vypadal jako nějaký okrajový produkt, ale v dnešní době tam mají hodně práce;
  • kancelář nebo home office? Jsou po celém světě a tak jsou lidé zvyklí pracovat remote;
  • o ploché struktuře firmy a jak se velmi rychle se svým nápadem můžete dostat až k CEO.
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Taxomat – tvůj pomocník s daněmi

Tedy „tvůj“ – pokud obchoduješ s akciemi. A vlastně jsem měl tenhle článek napsat už na konci roku, protože teď už nic neovlivníš a můžeš si jenom spočítat, kolik správně zaplatit.

Taxomat objevil loni a začal si s ním hrát. Aplikace má dvě části, z nichž každá funguje v omezeném režimu dokud nezakoupíš předplatné, nicméně i bez předplatného mohou být obě fajn pomocníkem.

Výpočet daňové povinnosti

Pokud obchoduješ na burze, tak při splnění jistých podmínek (tuším zisk větší než 100 000Kč) jsi povinen podat daňové přiznání a výdělek zdanit. Samozřejmě to má spoustu výjimek typu časového testu, možnosti odečíst prodělečné obchody a další, takže na konci roku je ideální čas na organizaci portfolia a pokud jsem realizoval moc zisků tak zavřít i nějaké ztrátové obchody a tak si povinnost minimalizovat.

Taxomat umožňuje nahrát výpisy od brokera – a jejich seznam roste případně můžeš data nahrát v požadovaném formátu – a on sám spočítá jak to vychází. A nejenom to, dokáže ti ukázat rozdíl pokud použiješ jednotný kurz nebo denní kurz, což si můžeš sám vybrat, a rozdíl v metodách může být klidně desítky tisíc. Do toho umožní nákupy a prodeje kombinovat stylem FIFO (první prodej a první nákup dohromady), případně třemi dalšími způsoby tak, abyste minimalizovali daně (opět povolená metoda).

Není tedy nic jednoduššího než ke konci roku (pardot za zpoždění) nahrát výpisy a i v té free variantě se dozvíte, zda daně platit budete nebo máte dost ztráty. A pokud zaplatíte tak to i vygeneruje daňové přiznání včetně zdanění dividend.

Analýza pozic

Druhou funkcionalitou, a tady je free verze opravdu omezená, je analýza pozic. Profit na každé pozici (což asi není nic mimořádného, to asi ukazuje každý broker), simulace daňových dopadů co by se stalo kdybych některou pozici prodal.

Časové testy což je pro mě asi nejlepší věc, protože ukazuje přehledně všechny pozice a kolik zbývá do splnění testu, což samozřejmě mohu pracně vytahovat ze seznamu obchodů nebo se tady prostě kouknout.

Taxomat časové testy

Heat mapa ukazující pozice a jejich velikost, alokace podle zemí a měn (tyhle grafy vypadají po grafické stránce tedy dost tragicky), příjmy z dividend po měsících a hezké srovnání jednotlivých let.

Stojí to za to?

Dělat si daňové přiznání sám tak určitě, takhle bych mohl ušetřit práci daňaři, ale ten už má stejně svůj systém tak to mám spíš pro kontrolu zda to počítá správně. Ty časové testy jsou nicméně velké lákadlo i pro mě, akorát jsem se zatím nedokopal k objednávce.

Ty to ale určitě můžeš mít jinak, tak přemýšlej a případně objednávej.

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O Salesforce v CZPodcast

Chvíli to trvalo, ale nakonec si mě pozvali i do CZPodcast. Vlastně stačilo, aby Filemon začal víc přemýšlet, zda se má vrhnout i na Salesforce a nějak jsme to dali dohromady.

Takže pro ty, co CZ Podcast neznají a tak povídání nezaregistrovali to dávám i na blog. A současně samozřejmě pro mě, ať mám někde seznam všech těch skvělých příležitostí, kdy jsem mohl šířit své rozumy 🙂


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How I passed the Salesforce AI Specialist certification

I’m pretty sure you noticed this new certification, which is available since September 2024. I originally tried to pass it before Dreamforce but failed, but finally found time before Christmas and this time I passed.

I wasn’t alone and you’ll see on social networks even more people happily sharing their successes. No surprise as Salesforce decided to give first try of this certification for free till the end of 2025 and on top of that pushes partners to get at least 5 certified people to qualify for some extra treatment in the AI area.

Meredith put together great article with plenty of links and I would add the Einstein Cheat Sheet on top of that. There were also preparation days with Salesforce, which I didn’t attend but heard the recordings are great. See part 1 and part 2.

What should you really know?

From my experience, there are a few areas where you really need to be strong:

  • Prompt Builder, how to navigate it, what you can find/see in each area and why some things might not work when you didn’t do something;
  • types of prompt templates and when to use which;
  • Einstein Trust Layer, what it does, and how you can monitor it;
  • super crucial is know what each functionality of Einstein product portfolio does (hence the cheat sheet). While Microsoft Copilot (or is it called Agent these days as well?) is pretty universal and it looks like you can use it for any purpose, in Salesforce we have different „products“ for different use cases. Do you want to generate sales email? Sales Email. Do you want to generate reply to a case (it is actually an email as well)? Service Replies. Do you want to generate reply to a case via chat? Reply Recommendation. You know the difference between Call Summaries and Call Explorer? And Conversation Insights? And what is the limit on products which can be mentioned during the call? And and and. To me this was crucial during both tries and gut feeling it made half of the exam. Probably not that much, but felt a lot.

Besides that there are some small bits but nothing major I would say.

What now?

Go for it! First try is for free, so no reason why not try it, obviously if you want to pass it pays off to study a bit more. The exam probably won’t really give you an answer how Prompt Builder and Einstein are different to Agentforce, but don’t worry too much about Salesforce product names and focus on what is important – the right use case, where it can really bring some benefits to the users and to the business.

Good luck!

AI Specialist certification confirmation
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