O Salesforce v CZPodcast

Chvíli to trvalo, ale nakonec si mě pozvali i do CZPodcast. Vlastně stačilo, aby Filemon začal víc přemýšlet, zda se má vrhnout i na Salesforce a nějak jsme to dali dohromady. Takže pro ty, co CZ Podcast neznají a tak povídání nezaregistrovali to dávám i na blog. A současně samozřejmě pro mě, ať mám někde seznam všech těch skvělých příležitostí, kdyRead More…

What do you know about security and SF features?

Another user group meeting done, this time AutoRABIT hosted us and they were generous! Chlebicky, wine, beer, juices, sweets, plates full of food. Two speakers, which has interesting history as originaly we promoted the meeting as everything about DevOps, because what else to expect from Andrew Davis, our first confirmed speaker. Just later we foundRead More…

Dreamforce ’23 Summary User Group

Dreamforce, the event of the year, where not many people (from Czechia) will make it – perfect opportunity to get together, share knowledge we gained and use it as a great networking opportunity at the same time. Exactly that happened yesterday: 6 great speakers sharing their experiences from Dreamforce; 80+ registered people (plenty of them firstRead More…

Net Zero Cloud with Ines Garcia

It all started in January, when Ines happily shared on LinkedIn that she passed the Net Zero Cloud accreditation exam and I asked, whether it is at least a bit practical or full of theory about different scope definitions. Two months later she presented at Prague User Group to almost 30 people (while 60 signed up). AndRead More…

What an event!

Last week we had our final user group for this year. As is our tradition it happened in the Deloitte’s offices together with all the other community groups located in Prague. Originally we had a space for 70 which we extend to 90 and probably run over a 100 for the first time ever! I came with a newRead More…