I enjoyed FTD ’23

Almost surprising to say, but FrenchTouchDreamin was probably the first conference/event this year, which I really „just“ enjoyed. CzechDreamin was obviously full of work (including all the event before), London’s Calling and YeurDreamin was still somehow hectic, Dreamforce wasn’t quieter and while I prepared my presentation for FTD just the day before (ups, probably shouldn’t admin that publicly)Read More…

CzechDreamin summary

@CzechDreamin just started! Join us at https://t.co/6tz5ruv68G #CD21 #TrailblazerCommunity pic.twitter.com/vclrnSVIXE — Joey Chan (Cloud Jedi) (@CloudJedi__c) June 10, 2021 It is over. It took us 2 months of planning and preparation and in 2 hours all 12 speakers presented their topics and now it is time to wrap-up. You probably came to see the recordingRead More…

Nonprofit Dreamin

Salesforce’s 1-1-1 model has impact also on Salesforce partners and consultants, who want to help good things on their own as well. I already published an article what it takes to implement Salesforce to non-profit organization and now I’m happy to announce, that at the beginning of next year, there will be a whole conference dedicated to non-profits.Read More…

CzechDreamin call for speakers

We have three more weeks to submit your session abstract for CzechDreamin, which looks like a plenty of time, but coming with the right topic might be hard. With no particular order in mind I came with a few ideas for you as well. And you know, we appreciate every session! Ideas how to put my app toRead More…

CzechDreamin – the unofficial summary

You might read my official summary of our inaugural conference already on LinkedIn, here is the behind the scene look. Those, who attended, know the story behind – how I went to my first community conference in Amsterdam (NPSP Day, thank you Ryan!), met a new people, continued with SurfForce, London’s Calling and more and more and moreRead More…