@CzechDreamin just started! Join us at https://t.co/6tz5ruv68G #CD21 #TrailblazerCommunity pic.twitter.com/vclrnSVIXE
— Joey Chan (Cloud Jedi) (@CloudJedi__c) June 10, 2021
It is over. It took us 2 months of planning and preparation and in 2 hours all 12 speakers presented their topics and now it is time to wrap-up. You probably came to see the recording or check the presentations, so help yourself and if you want more details you can scroll down.
Thanks for the invite – it was a fun session! First time I had done this format – it forces efficiency and I had some fun using it.
Michael Orr
Short summaries of sessions
Known and unknown Salesforce Marketing Cloud limitations… and some workarounds ;-), Cyril Louis
- MC getting improved over the time, great to see it during the presentation as a lot of limitations disappeared over the time;
- no sandbox – flag test data with a new checkbox or have a dedicated BU;
- AMPScript or Journey Builder to update non-email data in Salesforce;
- you can duplicate journeys as well as landing pages, no more need for some workarounds;
- mobile preview is surprisingly still not part of the product, Litmus is the solution;
- how not to oversolicitate people – use data extension to track how many emails you sent this day/week/month and make a decision based on that;
- curious how many messages you still have? For emails you can just run email, for other channels you need to ask AE;
- native lead scoring not available (as is in Pardot), need to make something in Journey Builder.
Honestly, I had NO idea how amazing this presentation format is. @cyril_louis raced through the kick-off presentation for @CzechDreamin and did just excellent. #cd21 pic.twitter.com/uSaTKj2NNW
— Daniel Stange (@stangomat) June 10, 2021
A guided tour of Marketing Cloud Resources, Kerry Townsend
Tons of content available out there but still no developer/demo edition of Marketing Cloud and it is really cool to have it all at one place so you don’t have to google it.
Implementation Guides, Developer Guides, Trailhead including its mocks for Marketing Cloud, Bootcamps and Trailhead Live where you can check recordings as well. Community Groups, StackExchange are other channels we know are valid for the platform as well, HowToSFMC is Slack channel dedicated to marketers I didn’t know about before.
I’ll not repeat all of those resources but I can see I was overwhelmed, there are even more than I did know about, definitely check Kerry’s presentation or blog with the whole list (planned).
AMPScript Guide is so great!!! With real examples!! A MUST HAVE
Cyril Louis
EDA and Pardot for Higher Education. Anglo-American University case study, Ivanna Gladysh
EDA & Pardot when you want to reach to more students. EDA is built on top of Salesforce created for universities and their students. The data model is extended compared to the standard and if you want to implement it you should know it, right.
Pardot or Marketing Cloud? Never ending discussion, Pardot might be easier to implement and comes with the B2B Analytics for EDA to get some extra information from your data.
And as any non-profit you will get access to the Power of Us Hub where you can mingle with other non-profit folks.
A Framework to Conquer Your Data Quality Blues, Andre van Kampen
Data quality is not usually a topic in implementation projects but should be.
Data Steward – focus, evaluate, prioritise what to work on, fixing all the gaps, do I need a backup strategy, how can I consolidate data, does their quality impact business and don’t forget about data decay. You are creating order in a chaos and help your company to see all data at once.
And you are going in circles – profile, cleaning, standardize, match & merge, monitor.
What do to tomorrow – build a dashboard, check for constantly empty fields, think twice about validation rules.
BREAKING NEWS: @AndreKampen is offering to do two days courses of each of the items below! Just because it’s not shiny, data quality needs to be considered. Amusingly „Monitoring“ is the key takeaway I’m taking away! Thank you for sharing your wisdom Andre ?#CD21 pic.twitter.com/yhOvIBY7Hm
— Paul Ginsberg (he/him) (@NaturallyPaul) June 10, 2021
Become an adoption tracking superstar with a few clicks, Johann Fürmann
What the fuck are your users doing? You know everything about visitors on your website but how much you know about your users using Salesforce? Do they use all the things they asked for?
Johann told us how they went from 3 lines of buttons and 4 lines of related lists to 2 buttons. They stopped listening to users and get hard data to which things they really use.
oh, I love this idea! Everytime a capability is used, mark it somewhere, then track it and report it for usage. Another great output of it is to show your teams ROI at the end of the year. „Our team increased automation by xx% because users now go through these capabilities 12,000 times this year!!!“ THAT IS REAL DATA you can use.
Stuart Edeal
Which objects they use, which fields, which page layouts, which tabs, which flows, which … simple code shared on GitHub (they need to polish it a bit) and you put it where you need it – custom object, HelperClass, Invocable method, Aura component which you embed into your instance.
One record per user per action per day – so don’t really a tons of data to analyse later on.
What now? Before go-live you need to define what adoption you expect, track, speak with sponsors how it is being used and remove if not needed.
„Only a used feature is a good feature“ says @fliack whilst presenting on Salesforce Custom Feature Adoption Tracking and gets technical @CzechDreamin #CzD21 pic.twitter.com/Av0ZB7jtjH
— Ch. Szandor Knapp (@ch_sz_knapp) June 10, 2021
Build your apps faster with Dynamic Interactions, Fabien Taillon
Dynamic Interactions – easy way to bind components together, in Pilot in the moment for the future just a few lines of code for developers and huge benefit for admins.
At the moment you can create one big component with built-in handling or two components with all the messaging between them. In future you – as an admin – will be able to define what parameters you want to be able send to which component, only update needed from developer is to update the source component to send the message.
Martin, thank you for the drink breaks… (of course, there was no break)
Stuart Edeal
How hutte.io simplified our unlocked package workflow, Evgenii Pavlov
When I saw Salesforce DX for the first time it was pretty cool, but the control line, Git and other things might scare consultants and admins (and even some developers).
Hutte.io is a UI for your admins, so they don’t see the command line and just use clicks to publish all changes to the next environment.

If you want to upgrade the quality of your procedures and have higher control about your source code/metadata this might be a great way how to simplify life for your people so they don’t have to install and learn new tools.
Plus it also contains some advanced features such as scratch org pooling so you don’t have to wait for a new instance to be created so you can start with your work.
All about Salesforce certifications: Are they worth it?, Tomáš Hnízdil
Certifications are not pokemons, but by getting them you:
- get real knowledge during the learning process;
- promote yourselves and get higher salary;
- promote your employer (especially partners).
36 certifications at the moment and more coming, most of the things to know can be tested and learnt in Developer Edition and non-native speakers can get extra 30 minutes of time.
The UX one is so important!
Johann Furmann
Besides certifications there is a new program of Accredited Professionals which will be only for partners. 32 exams at the moment (from July), training materials already available.
Besides Salesforce you also might fight useful to have MuleSoft, AWS or Tableau certifications.
Intro to the Nonprofit Success Pack, Trish Perkins
What do non-profits want to do?
- reach people;
- raise money
- report;
- run program;
- manage volunteers.
What objects can they use?
- Affiliations to connect people to organizations;
- Relationships with other people;
- Households & business accounts;
- Contacts;
- Recurring Donations;
- Campaigns also used for different list of peoples;
- Engagement Plans;
- Opportunities for donations & grants & memberships and much more;
- General Accounting Units to track for which the money should be used;
- Program Management to track clients and services including schedules;
- Volunteers which Salesforce try to get rid off and non-profits want to keep it because it is easy enough to use and complex enough to fullfil the needs.
This is the best summary of a Non Profit I ever heared!
Johann Furmann
Trish also told us about NPSP Sprint – a chance to make meaningful contribution to the NPSP and ecosystem. Consultants, customers and Salesforce people sit together and work on various things needed and you can sign up for the EMEA version which will run on June 29.
8 Steps to Become a Salesforce Developer, Seyit Usmanov
Become Salesforce developer is easy, here are 8 steps:
- Earn Salesforce Admin related certifications;
- Make Salesforce Personal – run your life on it;
- Pass the PD1 certification;
- Get experience – find volunteer experience, seek out project on Upwork or get in touch with CRM pro neziskovky;
- Join your local developer group;
- StackExchange is your friend;
- Find a technical mentor, APEX will start clicking after 6 months;
- Apply to jobs & track your mistakes.
Seyitbek, your presentation motivated me! 🙂
Pearl Lee
Success in Salesforce projects, Mercedes Basavilbaso
Methodology is the key for successful project, Agile is based on statistics more successful, but maybe a mixture of Waterfall & Agile might better for you. Important question is whether you want to fix the scope or the time & resources.
There’s *no* excuses! But it still happens. Choose your methodology. #CD21 with huge thanks to Mercedes Basavilbaso. That said, are you doing agile correctly? Catch the recording (once it’s publisted) to find out… pic.twitter.com/QPfaY0j5fP
— Paul Ginsberg (he/him) (@NaturallyPaul) June 10, 2021
Why Agile might be the best? Client involvement, issues identified earlier, more flexibility, more open communication and much more.
Don’t forget to Close!
Martin Humpolec
We also mentioned Ines’ book Becoming more Agile.
Einstein Recommendation Builder: Intelligent Automation Made Easy, Michael Orr
How to sell kolache better – you need Salesforce to recommend you which to make and to which customer sell which.
Just a few click to:
- create a new custom object (#LowCodeLove)
- set Prediction Builder (most likely value of X) and Recommendation Builder (best X for Y)
- have some historical data (at least 10 recommended items, 400 positive interactions and 100 recipients);
- configure Next Best Action Strategy;
- put NBA component to Lightning page.
Segments and negative interactions supported as well making it even more powerful and templates you can just use are coming.
I remember stopping in West, TX for kolaches every time I went from Dallas to Austin. Thank you @Michael for reminding me these great times!
… and thank you for this awesome presentation!
Tomáš Hnízdil
Best part – it is included in the costs of the platform.
There was also question about concerns about data security as this processing is off platform, but there is some major ingeneering work going on which should solve it.
I’ve been munching while watching all the global speakers.
— ? Pearl Lee ? (@theTechBee) June 10, 2021
The fast paced format is fantastic❣️ I didn’t notice it’s 2 hours and got to connect with people from Argentina, Czech, Munich, France, Germany, … and say hi to @Oleh_Mykytyn whom we miss each other.
It was a blast
And I learnt a few things:
- Zoom bombing is a thing, when you publish the link on social you can expect some gate crashers who have time to interrupt your session. Not sure why they do it but the anonymity of the internet makes it easier. Solution: don’t publish a link publicly, use Waiting room and separate people, go with the Webinar add-on and don’t allow people to connect with each other (exactly the thing we didn’t want to);
- this format (20 slides, 20 seconds each) is super challenging for speakers – you need to think what you will include and what you will tell about each slide;
- it is hard to slow down after such quick presentation – we didn’t do any wrap-up, let people enjoy breakout room or anything after, I wasn’t able to slow down for next a few hours;
- doing conference after working hours is hard, especially if you don’t put aside free time before it. I run my meeting 20 minutes before start and it was visible – I wasn’t in the mood, didn’t prepare surrounding nor zoom background, didn’t check the sounds quality with team (and based on recording it was awful) and a few other things. Going for a day long conference is easier (at least to me) for switching context;
- 150 people on-line know how to behave, when to unmute and when mute, how to use chat and all these things. That was wonderful;
- when moderating such quick conference it is hard to take care of other things – I had a feeling I monitor the chat but when going over the recording I was surprised how great things there were written. Also how busy it was on Twitter and I didn’t have time to watch people on the call. Actually I had no idea who was on the call and just looking at who commented on chat I can see you all folks from all over the world. At in-person even it would be so impolite to ignore you but here I really didn’t spot you at all :-(;
- mix of sessions was great – at in-person conferences you have dedicated tracks or the whole conference is dedicated to some area, here it was great to see the mix and learn more about each area in less than 7 minutes. And if it wasn’t your cup of tea? It is over quicker than you blink an eye;
- the format is so specific that I don’t believe we can repeat it next month and probably even next year. It is like a spice – good in small bits.
@CzechDreamin was awesome!?
— Prashant Nambisan (@p_nambisan) June 10, 2021
Brilliant, sharp format. Awesome speakers. Amazing host. Fantastic organizers!???
Thank you, @mhumpolec and entire team behind the event !!! ?
We are really happy that these sponsors supported CzechDreamin in 2020 and let us roll their money all the way to 2022. Thank you, really appreciate it.

CzechDreamin 2022
We hope for the best. We do have the date (May 27, 2022), the venue, probably the speakers (will confirm with them in January 2022 and maybe open a call for speakers).
And the best part – you can get tickets today!