CzechDreamin summary

@CzechDreamin just started! Join us at #CD21 #TrailblazerCommunity — Joey Chan (Cloud Jedi) (@CloudJedi__c) June 10, 2021 It is over. It took us 2 months of planning and preparation and in 2 hours all 12 speakers presented their topics and now it is time to wrap-up. You probably came to see the recordingRead More…

Salesforce v Česku s Bluez

Povídání o tom, jak dva Slováci na Ukrajině nad variniki dohodli založení nové firmy v Česku, která operuje od Austrálie až po Ameriku. To je Bluez ve zkratce a mluvili jsme o všem možné, pojď si to poslechnout také. Zápisky z povídání: menší tým 15 lidí, který je stejně schopen doručit větší projekty; plochá firemní struktura, možnost výběru projektů, flexibilita,Read More…

Summer ’21 Release Notes

It is the time of the year here again, when we get a new Salesforce release. I nick named this one as Release of Pilots, which is great and not so great at the same time. I really like that we know about all those cool pilots going on, I don’t really like the feeling that on those 612Read More…

CzechDreamin Rapid style

It will happen! Last year we decided at the end to postpone CzechDreamin conference due to all things Covid, beginning of this year we decided to postpone again, because the situation, at least in Czech Republic, was pretty unclear and we doubt anyone would be willing to travel these days and we didn’t want toRead More…