V sérii „O Salesforce s …“ jsem si dal za cíl během celého roku vyzpovídat alespoň 52 lidí, kteří se v České a Slovenské republice pohybují okolo Salesforce. Jedno, zda jde o lidi od partnerů, zákazníka nebo dokonce někdo přímo ze Salesforce (ti to prý mají zakázané). Máte tip na někoho, koho bych měl určitě vyzpovídat? Sem s ním! děkuji
Další v sérii mých rozhovorů je Andrea Voggenreiter ze společnosti CassaCloud, kteří jsou poskytovatelem služeb na platformě Salesforce – podporují jak zákazníky tak partnery svými flexibilními vývojovými a konzultačními službami.
How did you get to Salesforce, what is your role?
As I had been an Analyst for about a decade, my company used Salesforce and other app based tools for various business processes. Although I am a geographer by education, I started getting more and more interested in IT and development. I mean, everything is about data, quality, algorithms, query and code languages and the platform to use, isn’t it. And if you are interested in coding then Salesforce makes it easy for you. Thus, now I am a Salesforce Developer.
How to you keep with the continues development of Salesforce, which sources can you recommend?
There is so many sources available which are supported by Salesforce: Trailhead, Communities, Youtube and all sorts of documentation provided by Salesforce on various topics.
Certifications – yes or no? Do you feel they are important or one can fake them easily?
I did the Force.com Developer exam right before they changed the certification structure, and a few weeks ago I passed the Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder. Comparing these two exams it appears to me that the questions got a bit more difficult after the structural changes. But as I now prepare for Developer I, I am quite confident in passing the exam soon with my level of experience.
I think Salesforce does not aim for a low-quality reputation with their exam strategy. Thus, obtaining an exam shows a certain level of knowledge which is standardized throughout the worldwide market.
Do you think that in Salesforce are clearly separated the roles of admins, developers and consultant or is it a mix when everybody knows everything and they are just focused on something more?
It depends on the company, in my point of view. Larger companies may be able to split into more distinct roles than in smaller companies. Also, as a developer and tester, you need to have insight into administration and user processes. But of course, you would be a lousy consultant if you couldn’t provide the customer with profound solutions which require a basic knowledge about development and integration.
If you can wish one thing, which Salesforce will have tomorrow, what would it be?
More user-friendly deployment techniques. E.g. if you build change sets, you have this huge list of items that cannot be managed neatly.
Do you implement new features to customers as they are comming, or they aren’t interested in continues changes and development?
I think customers like easy processes and innovative features and thus are interested in continuous improvement of their CRM solution.
She Salesforce or he Salesforce? (which doesn’t really make sense in English :))
Rather “it” Salesforce as it is a software. Also, as the company approach seems pretty gender friendly, we do not want to exclude anyone.