Salesforce v Česku s Namíru Solutions

Filip se Salesforce začal přibližně před sedmi lety, vyzkoušel si pozici konzultanta, život v Asii (protože proč se hned po škole zaseknout v Evropě), práci sales operations (takže ví co ti lidé řeší a jak konkrétně jim Salesforce může pomoci). A tak vzniklo Namíru, což prý v japonštině znamená I see names. Zápisky CEOs nehledají jenom někoho, kdo jim pomůže s technologií,Read More…

In-App Guidance with Louise Lockie

Louise Lockie were our speaker at Prague User Group and she gave us a great presentation about the In-App Guidance feature. Powerful thing which I didn’t use yet as I always had a feeling it needs a lot of work to properly run, but with her great examples I found out there are simple usecases which you can set right awayRead More…

Salesforce CPQ Implementation Handbook: Configure Salesforce CPQ products to close more deals and generate higher revenue for your business, Madhu Ramanujan

I was lucky enough to get this book about Salesforce CPQ implementation before its official release day. If you want to skip all those TLDR – if you are about to implement CPQ or just want to learn something new, this book is definitely worth it. And one particular thing I liked – it also, briefly,Read More…

Pollard Financial Mock Solution

There are many ways how to study for the CTA board, most of them – at the end – are about practising the solution of different mock scenarios. They are different in size (read length), complexity, verticals, things you want to use. And some of them are more focused on specific areas, such as PollardRead More…