Welcome to the Salesforce MVP Program

I’m probably the latest to blog about this, but at the beginning of April I’ve been awarded with the Salesforce MVP title. And from that time people started to ask – what it exactly mean and how can I get it? What is it about? Salesforce created the program a while ago and changed it from thatRead More…

CzechDreamin: Call for Speakers

We have three more weeks to submit your session abstract for CzechDreamin, which looks like a plenty of time, but comming with the right topic might be hard. With no particular order in mind or paying a lot of attention (like „this is what I would like the CzechDreamin be like) I not only call all of you toRead More…

Jak v pohodě zvládnout certifikaci

Na jednu věc jsem se ptal v podstatě všech lidí, se kterými jsem dělal rozhovor – co oni a certifikace. Mix odpovědí mě v podstatě nepřekvapil – od lidí pracujících pro partnery se to čeká, některým se to nelíbí a vymlouvají se, že to stejně nic neříká (skvělý článek od Keira Bowdena, kterému se rychlokvašky nelíbí), potkal jsem i lidiRead More…

CzechDreamin: Call for Sponsors

It took a while – establish the entity, which will cover the whole event, find the right venue (we spoke with 10+ of them, shortlisted 4 and finally chose 1), decide on date (August 16), calculate all the costs (still surprised that the refreshment will be probably the biggest expense), double check everything so we don’tRead More…