I enjoyed FTD ’23

Almost surprising to say, but FrenchTouchDreamin was probably the first conference/event this year, which I really „just“ enjoyed. CzechDreamin was obviously full of work (including all the event before), London’s Calling and YeurDreamin was still somehow hectic, Dreamforce wasn’t quieter and while I prepared my presentation for FTD just the day before (ups, probably shouldn’t admin that publicly)Read More…

Salesforce v Česku se Success Architektem

Na Michala Kápara, který si udělal výlet z Austrálie na skok do Česka, mě upozornil Martin a já si musel pokecat. O architektech už jsme povídali v epizodě o CTA a trochu naťukli i u konzultantů, ale Success Architekt, který vlastně nemá s implementací nic společného, o tom jsem ještě s nikým nemluvil. Michal má navíc pod palcem Industries (dříve Vlocity) pro celý APAC region, takžeRead More…

Week full of events

What a week behind me. Four events across five days which I was somehow involved in organizing. I had a feeling that it will be easy peasy as everything has been prepared in advance, but the whole week I had a feeling of missing something and the stress in the background made it really exhausting experience. But definitely worth it. ThisRead More…

What an event!

Last week we had our final user group for this year. As is our tradition it happened in the Deloitte’s offices together with all the other community groups located in Prague. Originally we had a space for 70 which we extend to 90 and probably run over a 100 for the first time ever! I came with a newRead More…