MuleSoft training

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At PwC we decided to dedicate this year to learning more and started with regular workshops, which are open to other partners/customers as well.

First one was about FSL – Field Service Lightning. 18 people, very positive feedback.

Second one will be about MuleSoft. Monday June 3rd, PwC Prague offices, free of charge, registration required.

The workshop will be led by Patryk Bandurski, PwC’s MuleSoft certified expert and MuleSoft Meetup Leader for Warsaw, who has been doing Mule for over 7 years.


  • What is the Application Network? (for Business/Customers)
    In this section, the term Application Network will be explained. You will get the insight at what this do and enable in your organization. Strongly connected API-Led connectivity will be thoroughly explained as well.
  • Service contracts design using RAML on Anypoint Platform (for Consultants with less MuleSoft knowledge, Consultants, Integration Architects)
    At this part, we will dive into desiging REST services using RAML language on Anypoint Platform. You will get familiarized with know how to use all the tools that the platform provides in order to deliver the best quality assets. It won’t be only theoretical, you will see a demo, demonstrating the full lifecycle of designing a sample API.
  • Quick prototyping with Anypoint Designer (for Consultants with less MuleSoft knowledge)
    MuleSoft introduced a thin client to deliver a quicker integration code. During this presentation, you will see what capabilities this tool has and how to use them. On DEMO you will see how to quickly prototype the service with already defined API contract.

Looks good? Wait no more and register, we will confirm registrations at the end of May. You are responsible for your own expenses.

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