Junction Object Security

CTAs know everything. And then there are moment when they don’t. Or they challenge documentation. Or just read the documentation differently. Or its different part. Or speak with someone else who read it differently. Junction Object Security might be one of those small things, even though you probably rarely hit this question – what drivesRead More…

Farewell to Lightning Champions

When something ends something else can start … well, will see what happens now. Three years ago I was honoured to be accepted into the very first batch of Salesforce Champions. This first batch could even choose whether they want to be Activation or App Dev Champions or both. Of course I applied to both. First yearsRead More…

S Eliškou Netopilovou

Můj první podcast – s Michalem Mravináčem – se vám prý moc líbil. A tak tady mám dalšího člověka ze Salesforce. Eliška Netopilová vystudovala diplomacii, k Salesforce se dostala jak slepý k houslím u zákazníka, pak přešla k partnerovi a nakonec přímo do Salesforce. A právě tenhle mix svých životních zkušeností vnímá jako velkou výhodu. Přechod do Salesforce znamenal i zvětšení projektů, na kterýchRead More…

Working From Home, Karen Mangia

Salesforce MVPs get some extra benefits and I’m glad I’m one of them. This year we could order what we want from a special collection, so not only I got a new microphone, so my podcast sounds better, I also got this new book from Karen Mangia about working from home. Actually what new you can learn after 18Read More…

B2B Solution Architect

Have you heard? There is a new certification and Shoby Abdi greatly summarised what you need to pass it. This certification makes so much sense and even though you will see B2B Commerce in most questions you don’t really need to know it, I had maybe 4 questions where I could use the knowledge. Which makes it reallyRead More…