IBM se rozhodla udělat opět jednu hezkou akci a sice zveřejnit kurzy, které si člověk může stáhnout a dělat v klidu domova (práce). A dál už to sem dávám tak jak jsem našel – hlavně si všimněte, že tomu musíte věnovat přesně jeden týden, nejde to (zřejmě) dělat na části.
New Self-Paced workshops will be available starting in February. These Self-Paced workshops enable the student to remotely download the workshop presentations & labs, then execute the labs, all on their own schedule with no travel required. The presentations have synchronized narration (English only) and allow the student full control to pause, forward, repeat or navigate the slides. Students reserve a 1-week period to run the labs on a remote live environment. Support for questions or any assistance are provided through a monitored forum. After enrolling, the student is sent an e-mail with details on how to proceed. To enroll in this no-fee offering, send a note to PvCEDU @ with the name of the workshop requested, your e-mail address, and one or two preferred 1-week times to run the labs. NOTE: an internet connection is required.
The Self-Paced workshop content is the same as the in-person workshops that are currently being delivered. Here are links to the workshop descriptions:
NEW Self-Paced workshops starting in February 2007
NEW Self-Paced workshops starting in March 2007
- Lotus Expeditor for Sametime
- Lotus Expeditor for Devices
- Lotus Expeditor for Portal
- Lotus Expeditor for Forms
A ještě další virtuální kurzy, kde už vybírám pouze ty, které mě zaujaly. Tyto kurzy mají dané termíny, kdy probíhají – více na webu.