Everyone is busy writing their summary of Dreamforce ’18, but I learnt a lot on my way there as well. This was my first Dreamforce to which I brought my laptop, so I used this opportunity to download a lot of videos to it before my flight. Usually I hate videos – they are slow to go through, I cannot quickly skip it, they are hard for my concentration. But I did an exception this time, download about 20 hours of videos and dedicated all flights to them. And I learnt a lot.
CTA Drill
Joe Castro put this together for everyone on their #JourneyToCTA. Short videos focused on one narrow topic, where at the beginning is the assignment, then you have two minutes to prepare your answer and then Joe will give you the solution. Pretty powerful, really condensed and helpful if you prepare for your certification exam as well. There are four videos at the moment, so great time to catch it from the beginning.
Would you want to go deeper and have more content follow Ladies be Architects channel.
NPSP Rollup
It is maybe half a year, when they developed a super powerful customizable roll-up engine in Non Profit Success Pack. There is a lot of 3rd party apps on AppExchange (I like Rollup Helper and Declarative Lookup Rollup Summary the most), but this thing is probably even more powerful and with NGOs specific in mind.
What I like about this video is, that they went pretty deep dive on how and why they solved some usecases and this is something a more advanced developer should watch, especially if you deal with LDV. You will learn about batch jobs and how they finish not in the order they started, how to overcome the 50 000 limits of returned rows and much more.
LinkedIn Navigator
I heard about it and I also know how expensive the LinkedIn access is. But when I saw this video I realized there really might be a lot of benefits in connecting your Salesforce instance with LinkedIn – all those related contacts, integration of messaging and some more, can make your sales team more productive. Quite interesting how they have just one Lightning Component and by setting it you make it look like four different ones.
Big Objects
Big Objects are here and not many organisations use them. There is a new way how to setup them and even a component on AppExchange to quickly show them on related objects. Might be a good way how to save on your data storage, if you don’t need to report on these data.