
It was short drive to WellingtonUkaž na mapě, we stopped just before the city to do a voice under our first video and then directly to the city center. There we found the Te Papa museum, probably one of the best museum in New Zealand and probably one of the best I ever have been to. A lot of interactive stuff, information in easy and understable form and much more. All about local nature, history, and other stuff. They even have a huge map of New Zealand on the ground and we used it to shoot where we were and going to. Will see, if we’ll use it somewhere. And they have the biggest squid in … (world or New Zealand? not sure at the moment). What is even more important – it is for free and free wifi is just next to the entrance (from outside). And I got one more interesting information – kiwis eat more vegimite than Australians.

Te Papa museum

Looks like we would be able to do much more things, but we spent the whole day in museum. Time to move to the camp just next to the city, where we got just in time before clossing the front gate and we finally were able to finish our first movie.

The second day we had to admit, that Wellington must be the Spaceships car’s city – we parked our Newt just next to two others. It looks bad, that he is the most dirty one (and you’re lucky as you don’t see it from inside).

Spaceships' carpark

While we were doing another entry for radio Beat the connector in car decided to break down. Really pity, we had to find shop where they had a spare one, bought extra cassettes for cameras (as Tomas do a lot of filming and constantly running out of them), and sandals for Tomas (he insisted he want them for last 2 weeks and finally found ones he really wanted to). We also took a stroll to Beehive, tried local cable car and saw its museum on top and finally did a huge food shopping and went to ferry. Meanwhile Tomas uploaded the first video on the Internet, just before the notebook died.

Beehive, the parliament

During our waiting for ferry just repaired the connector so we are able to charge our stuff on the go, then got on the ferry and started to cut another video. Three hours sail was quite short, we were able to do all we wanted to. In PictonUkaž na mapě we found another wifi and realized, that the video is uploaded badly. It took us a long time, till 3am next day, when we finally gave up and went sleep. But there was a funny story while we were uploading.

The wifi signal was best just in the middle of the street. As we stayed there another group of people (drunked a lot) went around and asked us – what are you doing here? We didn’t have better answer than „Controlling the Moon“. Another question arised – „How you do it“. And answer – „with the bluetooth“. After that one of them just signalled that we are a bit crazy, while other turned around, saw our car and said – „they came by Spaceship“ and we could just say – „we told you“. Hahaha.

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