
Get out early again, but weren’t able to compete with Katka and Misa (the two Czech’s chicks from yesterday) who hit the road before us (didn’t matter they wake up at the same time). WanakaUkaž na mapě, our next stop wasn’t far enough and just at the beginning of this small village we spotted the Puzzling World. Stuart Landsborough started to build it in 1973 and did a huge job from that time. 1,5km long maze where most people walk about 3-5km, four illusion rooms – one with hologram, another with following faces, tilted house and Ames Room with its forced perspective. Really nice job.

Great Maze

They even have a lot of attractions for free – special Roman Toilets or puzzle centre, where you can solve puzzle for the whole day for free. And they have a cafe there as well and (just before we came) they had fantastic chocolate cakes. Of course, after we left the cafe, the cakes were our and it took just a few minutes to eat them.

Roman Toilets

Outside you can take a lot of funny photos when you support buildings in different ways.

Will it fall down?

Did a huge shopping at Wanaka (and of course the meat for evening’s bbq) and decided we could take some short walk. Mt Roy with its 1300m elevation and 5-6 hours walk time sounded like a good idea. The sights were awesome and we have been on top in less then 2hours. Back it was a bit quicker, mainly because we run at least the first part.

Mt Roy views

Had a great bbq in the evening with Katka and Misa and then serene party almost till morning (at least some of us, I was sleeping like a baby). They have some pretty decent vines here 🙂

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