North, north, how far is possible – Cape Reinga is our destination for today. I was to lazy to take petrol at Awanui and we got next (and last) chance at Pukenui, where the petrol is a bit more expensive (not really a surprise).
When we arrived to Cape Reinga I immediately find out why Maori believe, that this is the place where their spirits depart for eternal home.
It was just incredible how low the clouds were, we weren’t able to see anything, just after a while we found, where the nice lighthouse is. It is short walk but because the clouds we weren’t able to take pictures as we saw in each guide book.
At least we were able to see the Te Aroha tree, where the spirits descend to the water and continue their journey to Hawaiki, the spiritual home. It is just incredible that this tree is able to survive there and it isn’t surprise that it doesn’t flower.
Next stop in this part of the country is Te Paki and huge sand dunes you can use for surfing. We didn’t hesitate a second, get our kayaks down and run up. It is really hard to get to the top, even harder with kayaks. But then, when you have a new kayak, it goes down quite good.
Two descent was enough on this slope and we quickly found another one with finish in a water. It was even steeper and the access was much better, we went it again and again, the finish in water was really refreshing.
Want to see the total north end of New Zealand we moved once more to Kapowai, just to find out that it is impossible to get to North Cape by car and probably even walk there. Never mind, the campground is really nice and we stayed there over the night.
Next day we went back, saw the Rarawa beach with white sand with silica, which wasn’t really white as it was just after rain, which completely spoiled the view. And then decided to try the 90 Miles Beach. The rental car isn’t insured there but it doesn’t matter to us as we want to experience the feeling of ride on the beach. It is interesting, that the beach isn’t 90 miles long (as you would think from its name) nor it isn’t the longest beach in NZ. Really don’t understand why is it so popular, it is completely flat with packed sand and the drive was just easy (especially with my experience from Fraser Island).
Stopped at Awanui for Kauri factory, where is a lot of products from kauri and even the biggest staircase. It is interesting how big (and expensive) some craftwork are.
Moved to Ahipara, where old shipwreck should be, but cannot find anything. Time to move – Hokianga ferry is ahead.