Salesforce v Česku s Martinem

Dva roky si povídám s lidmi kolem Salesforce a tohle tady ještě nebylo – Martin (Vágner) se rozhodl, že by bylo fajn se dozvědět víc o mě a tak mě vyzpovídal. Díky za to, hned si nepřipadám tak hloupě, jako kdybych se rozhodl vyzpovídat sám sebe. A o čem jsme se bavili?

Certification Days & Data Cloud Certified

Miracle happened. Actually miracles. What we worked on for a few months, finally has been realized and success. With Fabio and Orla we agreed to organize Salesforce Certification Days at the Actum office. We would provide space and refreshment, they will provide free certification vouchers as they want to help partners to get more certified. AllRead More…

CzechDreamin’s Marketing Efforts

Four years of running the CzechDreamin conference, it is time to look back at our marketing efforts, what we tried and what were the results, as the other conferences might appreciate it as well or share their approach. And call for help at the end 🙂 Year 1 The plan was clear – we haveRead More…

Platform Developer II

This certification hasn’t been on my radar at all, as I’m not a developer, and this one is supposed to be the hardest one. Two years ago Johann told me that he isn’t developer as well, but this one is doable. Ok, challenge accepted, after the CTA. I did know that it is theoretical part andRead More…

Salesforce Associate Certification

The question I’ve been asked on every training this year and to which I probably have different answer than some other people. What a perfect opening for an article about a new certification Salesforce released a while ago. Do I need certification to find a job? And my answer is no, even though I love certifications and have plenty of them. Actually,Read More…