What it takes to implement Salesforce for NGO?

When I spoke with SeyitBek on his Salesforce Chef podcast, I told him that I started my Salesforce career in the non-profit world and grow from there. Also a lot of people when they are looking how to start in this ecosystem are recommended to do implementatio for NGO, as the feeling is, that the requirements are pretty simple.Read More…

NGO Hackathon #2

In the middle of August we did NGO Hackathon #2. We did the first one two years ago and got pretty good feedback, so we decided to repeat and change the format at the same time. Last time we had three NGOs and multiple teams who compete to deliver the best solution. This time weRead More…

NGO Hackathon #2

Před dvěma lety jsme udělali první NGO hackathon. 24 hodin, 10 týmů, 4 neziskovky, 4 různá zadání. Bylo to super, energie skvělá, spousta lidí jela přes noc a na konci bylo co prezentovat. Akorát pak se nám to nějak zvrtlo, neřekli jsme si (jako CRM pro neziskovky) o pomoc a trvalo snad rok, než jsme alespoň jedno z těchRead More…