Salesforce v Česku s Martinem

Dva roky si povídám s lidmi kolem Salesforce a tohle tady ještě nebylo – Martin (Vágner) se rozhodl, že by bylo fajn se dozvědět víc o mě a tak mě vyzpovídal. Díky za to, hned si nepřipadám tak hloupě, jako kdybych se rozhodl vyzpovídat sám sebe. A o čem jsme se bavili?

with Aslah Hussain

We recorded this podcast with Aslah in June, but somehow I never found the time to cut it and publish. Luckily there is a new year and new opportunities to follow-up on things you didn’t have time before. Notes: even Salesforce developer can be accidental (Salesforce) developer, it isn’t just admin thing; Java and JavaScript knowledge makeRead More…

Welcome to the Salesforce MVP Program

I’m probably the latest to blog about this, but at the beginning of April I’ve been awarded with the Salesforce MVP title. And from that time people started to ask – what it exactly mean and how can I get it? What is it about? Salesforce created the program a while ago and changed it from thatRead More…