Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate

The latest Salesforce certification done! And this one was interesting. There are already a few „associate“ exams and I would say each one is different. The Salesforce Associate is about general knowledge, knowing some bits about reports, about community, that declarative approach is a thing. The AI Associate is all about AI, all the words about it, prettyRead More…

Salesforce v Česku s Dragonfly360

Dragonfly360, firma které jsem si všimnul na letošním CzechDreamin. Potom to Petr pojistil jeho skvělými tipy na LinkedIn, a to mu stačilo, abych si ho pozval do podcastu a chtěl zjistit víc o tom kde se vzal, na co se orientuje a jak mu funguje byznys. Vlastně nejenom on, v té firmě je jich víc a některé nápady jsem zatím nikdeRead More…

Certification Days & Data Cloud Certified

Miracle happened. Actually miracles. What we worked on for a few months, finally has been realized and success. With Fabio and Orla we agreed to organize Salesforce Certification Days at the Actum office. We would provide space and refreshment, they will provide free certification vouchers as they want to help partners to get more certified. AllRead More…

What I missed at CzechDreamin

Organizing an event is rewarding activity, but so far (with the exception of our Rapid style in 2021) I always missed all presentations as I’ve been busy with plenty of other things and talks with people. I don’t do it with other events, but with CzechDreamin I go through all the presentation decks to check what it wasRead More…

What an event!

Last week we had our final user group for this year. As is our tradition it happened in the Deloitte’s offices together with all the other community groups located in Prague. Originally we had a space for 70 which we extend to 90 and probably run over a 100 for the first time ever! I came with a newRead More…