Import data to Salesforce with Keboola

Problems consultants have on weekly basis – how to quickly get data into Salesforce. A few ways everyone knows about – Import Wizard, which I try to start away as far as possible as I never know what it will do; Data Loader, which needs Java; Workbench, which can process just files up to 2MB;, whichRead More…

Keboola rocks

It’s been a while when I wrote my first Keboola component (in Czech). I improved it a bit during the time (like supporting incremental extracts), but didn’t have time for a big changes (like BULK API 2.0). Just lately got another request for change – the increments work nicely for „normal“ objects but not for historical. Reason being, that historical objects don’tRead More…

Einstein Analytics Camp Fire

When I’ve been to London last time, for the CloudCraze training, I found time during evenings and did my Einstein Analytics Advanced Acreditation. And thanks to this „investment“ I’ve been privilige to spend two days in the Salesforce Tower in London last week to attend the Einstein Analytics Camp Fire. And they were two super intensive days, as Ziad packed into them the content of maybe 5 days of regular training. Super intensive and super informative, I don’t remember when I got such overwhelming amount of information in such short time before. A lot of tips included on top of that.

Jak na import dat do Salesforce

Externí ID vás ochrání od nutnosti deduplikovat vstupní data (samozřejmě jenom částečně) a navíc vám umožní i snadno provázat jednotlivé objekty mezi sebou. Pro firmy, které doteď žily v Excelu a vše řešili dalšími sloupci nebo kopírováním řádků je to neskutečná úspora času a nervů při importu dat.

When Salesforce Met Keboola: Why Is This So Great?

The reporting features in Salesforce are a bit limited and I think that even with Wave you cannot achieve things Keboola will allow you to do. It is pretty clear why – Keboola Connection is not a typical BI solution, it is more a toolkit to blend your existing data, enhance them and find some hidden gems in them.