Video number fourteen
It is here, the last but one video. We went across North Island several times to see the only active marine volcano in New Zealand, beautiful White Island; or did the Tongariro Crossing, which was awe
It is here, the last but one video. We went across North Island several times to see the only active marine volcano in New Zealand, beautiful White Island; or did the Tongariro Crossing, which was awe
Tentokráte jsem si s sebou na Symposium vzal kameru a tak si místo suchého povídání, co jsem cítil já, můžete poslechnout jak to viděli jiní. Omluvte kvalitu zvuku, ale občas stojí za to se soustředit
Have you ever been to Antarctica? We have been and it was really great experience to get the feeling about it at International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch. You’ll also see nice boulders at Castle
This time it is „just“ about nature. We’ll start at Dunedin, see its beautiful railway station, simulation of chocolate making process at Cadbury factory and finish it with the steepest street in the