Salesforce – how to automate things

This is part of my serie „what we didn’t do during implementation and should„, so you might not find anything interesting or you might just open your eyes wide and say wow! And automating things is definitely the part you probably didn’t do at the beginning but should do now as it is similar toRead More…

Post to Chatter when new user is created

Two motivations for writing this post. The first one was customer of mine, who wanted to add a new community user to a few Chatter groups, based on some variables. The second one was Matt Brown, who wanted to post to a user Chatter feed upon joining. Both solutions are super simple, till the moment they will becomeRead More…

Process Builder and Flow bulkification

Process Builder and Flow are so easy to use that even non-developers can „develop“ quite complex processes. It has its consequences, for example the processing time might be longer. Also it wasn’t correctly bulkified before, but as of Winter ’16 it should be fully bulkified. Still, there are most likely some critical updates waiting forRead More…

Click or code?

Jsou okamžiky, kdy konzultant musí opravdu přemýšlet, které z těch všech možných řešení je nejlepší. Nejlevnější. Nejflexibilnější. Umožňující něco, o čem zákazník ještě nepřemýšlel, ale možná to bude chtít. Jak by bylo správné to v Salesforce dělat. Tenhle konkrétní jednoduchý příklad, přesně ukazuje, co vše se mi honí hlavou, když přemýšlím o zadání.