I feel I know a lot, which means that I also know that I don’t know a lot. But I learn every and at every single opportunity, which might sounds a bit like a bullshit, but I mean it.
Today we had Steve Molis at our user group and I learnt tons of things.
First of all we learnt a bit about him – the story behind his famous jacket, how he got to be expert at formula (started as Lotus Domino/Notes developer where they are almost the same), who he admires (Jen and Deepak), whether it is better to use AND or && (what ever you want but be consistent).
And off we went to the presentation. What new I can learn, I new them all, right? I was wrong and learnt a lot. The important part was the ideas – use math to block users to go to previous opportunity stages or jump some of them.
With next example I was like „what he is trying to come up with, just use relative dates in filter“ and a few slides and one bucket field
later … voila and you have a report which shows opportunities past close date and those in future group by days ahead/forward and sum of their value. Mind blowing.
Power Of One, the best formula ever, which I thought is over with the new features of reports. Nope, still there. And still awesome.
Tips how to test validation formulas (and Tomas add a tip for formulon) and a short mention of his mix tape package.
I learnt a lot during those two hours even I had all the knowledge before and should know. And that’s the power of community and knowledge sharing. Join us next time.
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