How works YOUR Lotus User Group?

Logo Sutol As far as I know, there are several LUGs around the world, each of them works probably in different way. My question is, how does work your one, are you happy about it or do you see any improvements to its work?

Is beer every then and now enough, are you doing regular workshops or do you think it is fine to have once a year some bigger conference? Is it fine when it happens just in one place or should it run around the country? Should it be something just for you (community, active users) or do you think it is important for the group to be active in outside world as well and improving the Lotus presentation to those not using these products?

So, what is your opinion?

1 komentáře

  1. GRANITE (Chicago) is one of the oldest Lotus user group here in the United Status. We have meetings every even month with the except of August when we have the Midwest Lotus User Group Conference. The Midwest Lotus User Group Conference will be a 2.5 day event this year.
    The bi-monthly meetings are held for the entire day. We get most of our presenters from IBM and Business Partners. We usually have two sessions during each meeting. All the meetings are held at the IBM Center in Chicago. We also just started a technical training sessions on XPages that are held every odd month. The presentations normally must be non-marketing unless the business partners sponsors the meeting for a fee.
    We provide both breakfast and lunch to the attendees. However, we also charge an annual membership fee of $35.00 USD.

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