What is the hardest thing in running the CzechDreamin conference?
- The first year I would say „finding sponsors“.
- Second year „finding wider set of attendees“.
- This year it is „selecting the speakers“.
While sponsors are major thing, as based on their money we basically run the conference (while the ticket price might look steep in Czechia it more or less cover the refreshment part and I doubt we can charge several times more). Attendees are important as well because without them the sponsors won’t be interested in.
Speakers are interesting area. What works suprisingly well in the Salesforce community is their eagerness to present and the fact that we can „just“ publish the call for speakers and have enough submissions to choose from. It doesn’t mean that we don’t hunt for specific speakers on top of that or that we aren’t light or not covering some topics at all.
We are super grateful for the growing interest from speakers and I’m delighted to see the grows of local speakers, exactly one of the reasons we started with the event.
So this year we had 160+ submitted abstracts and space just for roughly 40 of them. Great variaty of topics, which we wanted to include all, but simply didn’t have the room for all of them. DevOps, flows, Slack, integration – you name it we had it and at the end you can select one or two of each unless we want to a conference specialized on certain topics, but they are there already – DevOpsDreamin, AutomationDreamin.
Two days conference would help us to have space for more sessions, but at the same time it will be way more demanding on the attendees. Who knows, maybe next year. Till then you need to take what we have, check our agenda and buy a ticket if you are interested in. No recording or streaming planned, you need to visit us in person.