37 Improvements in Summer ’24 Release Notes which catched my attention

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The Summer ’24 release is here, I’m in a train to Berlin = great time to read the release notes and see what useful is there and what mandatory changes we need to implement. I’m offline so cannot test things out, but let’s see what I need to test and what is just good to know about.

  1. Verify default no-reply address – I hate these no-reply addresses but you have one in SF and from Winter it has to be verified, otherwise SF will not send any emails from the instance;
  2. the „Create a new record“ functionality in lookup fields now use dynamic forms (if set up) instead of page layouts;
  3. new domain for setup – if you have some restrictions on which sites you can access on the internet, add salesforce-setup.com into the list;
  4. with the cookies blocking on the horizont there is a new setting in My Domain to use first-party cookies;
  5. in-app reminders for SF admins if MFA is switched off – well, why not;
  6. the SLDS (Salesforce Lightning Design System) has been updated for bigger contrast in focus state (when button is selected) and you cannot turn it off;
  7. Search Manager, which is finally generally available, looks like a great thing – you can set which objects should be always searched (not just those which the user is typically using), looks like you can limit in which fields in will search (that would be interesting if the user can access it but it won’t search there) and much more. Surprisingly you can set it up on a per profile basis, where is the move to permission sets?
  8. looks like the new Analytics app, which has been introduce a while back, will allow you to create a collection of reports and dashboards and then insert them as a group to Lightning page;
  9. better reporting on Data Cloud records;
  10. if you have the edition with Generative AI you can create a summary and row-level formulas with simple language and it’ll generate the formula for you;
  11. User Access Summary looks like a great page, where you see what specific user can do in  a glance. Ditto for where public group is used. Or what is enabled in Permission Set or Permission Set Group without clicking through all those screens;
User Access Summary
  1. User Access Policies will simplify the creation of new users (or change of their position) as you can specify the rules (up to 200) based on which they will get assigned permission sets, package licenses or public groups. One task less for the admin (I hope);
  2. blank spaces on Dynamic Forms plus conditional visibility of tabs (finally!);
  3. looks like everyone will get Einstein to explain and fix syntax errors when creating formulas (in fields and validation rules);
  4. Apex Cursors (in beta) looks like something which can make developers excited when working with large data volumes;
  5. REST API, external Id and ability to only update records (previously it was always upsert);
  6. users are automatically freezed in a sandbox, if they didn’t logged in within 60 days of its creation – I mean they still have .invalid email anyway, so cannot get in unless you update it, right?
  7. flow and checking for existing record before creating a new one – I would expect that I can just trust the duplication and matching rules but it looks like you need to specify it in the flow;
  8. keep important appointments scheduled in Field Service – previously you could manually pin them, now you can specify criteria (beta);
  9. add buffer for time travel estimates (beta), surprisingly it is a single number only, not percentage;
  10. link assets to multiple accounts and contacts – one of the popular scenario during CTA, curious to see it in real life;
  11. NFC support in Field Service mobile app, ability to create an LWC which will capture the layout of space (on iOS only using the lidar) or measuring things;
  12. check-in/check-out times via the geolocation;
  13. create quotes directly from the Field Service mobile app, no need for the standard Salesforce app for that;
  14. Buyer Relationship Map which will visualize the org structure, just enable it. And it can help you find detractor on your opportunities, which are blocking them;
  15. Autocreation of contacts via Einstein Activity Capture with their contact details prefilled from their email signature. And you can specify when it should be create – immediately or after specific number of interactions;
  16. personal labels – not sure I get the extra benefits compared to Topics plus they look completely different and takes more screen space. But hey, users can specify them only for them and not to mix with others;
  17. Conversation Insights looks super interesting to monitor when is in the communication on higher level and aggregate it;
Conversation Insights
  1. Sales Planning looks like a feature which will allow you to easily integrate data from additional sources (paid);
  2. disabled fields in screen flows, when you just need to show the value;
  3. less „Next“ in flows as you can have actions on screen which will update the screen with additional details;
  4. when debugging scheduled flows you can set on which record it will run!
  5. only active subflows will be run, not the latest version (that was a big surprise time to time);
  6. Automation Lightning App – something I need to try as it should show flows in a better way. Plus it will allow you to organize them based on category and subcategory, naming was probably not enough;
  7. limit who receives notification about certificate expiration – it isn’t connected to other permissions but has a separated permission. Yes, I do have one client, where it spams the whole company once a year and sadly they had to have this permission;
  8. Einstein Studio Insights (paid) which will help service agents predict how quickly they will be able to save case;
  9. Threading tokens were always used only for cases but now you can use them in Apex Email Services for any object that supports activity tracking;

Not bad. Not as many as I hoped, but still some interesting things (in a bold) which I will communicate to my customers.

What is your top new feature? And did you check what others found?

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