Second day in Brno …

… and I found a great restaurant – U měděné pánve. Also the training today was quite funny and each time I have a training I found a new things. Last time I spoke about ID’s with multiple password and I wasn’t able to change the ID with multiple passwords to a „normal“ ID with one password. It’s quite easy – just change the password in normal way via File Security User Security Change password and you’ll have a „normal“ ID back.

Each time I spoke about settings Domino to send internet emails and describing how to set up Foreign SMTP document with non existing domain and then set up connection document with this non exisiting domain and non existing server, each time the people ask me – why there must be the server name? And I really don’t know, why the field is here, when it make nonsence.

But I had also time for going through Partner Forum database and found one interesting thread. Day after I had a call from my client which had exactly the same question – how can I disallow access to user’s mail files for Domino administrators? And finally there was, probably the only one, response – just create a new set of private/public keys for this user, enable the encryption of incoming mails and enable the encryption of saved mails. Then the administrator should have access to your mail file but he’ll not be able to read anything. Really love the enhanced functionality of Lotus Notes.

1 komentáře

  1. Absolutly sure, don’t forget that you must enable your Full Administrator Access in your Administrator client. The server document just specify who is able to enable it. And it’s enabled per each session or before you’ll stop it.

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